MIG at Exhibition MEMS/Micromachine 2010

Contributed by Karen Lightman, Managing Director, MEMS Industry Group

It was my second time in Japan, and this year I was again fortunate enough to attend Exhibition Micromachine/MEMS. This year I put on my “exhibitor cap” and manned the MIG booth – I’m not a big fan of standing around a booth (as anyone who knows me) – so I was very “un-Japanese” and abandoned my booth a lot. It’s way more fun and interesting and entertaining to roam the hall floor and meet/greet new and potentially new MIG members. Thankfully I was parked near the IVAM booth, so my colleagues at IVAM not only supplied me with endless bags of gummy bears, but also had the courtesy to explain where I was. Thank you, Uwe Kleinkes and your staff! Continue reading

MEMS Industry Group Goes to Japan!

Karen Lightman, Managing Director, MEMS Industry Group

Greetings from Exhibition Micromachine/MEMS 2009 at Tokyo Big Sight! I am blogging from the 15th annual International Micromachine Nanotech Symposium – MEMS World. I am very impressed with many things on my first trip to Japan. First off, the city of Tokyo is amazing – so full of energy – both of old culture and of new innovation. I have enjoyed experiencing the culture (especially the food!) and the hospitable, friendly people. I have been equally impressed with the energy and enthusiasm for MEMS in Japan.

Karen Lightman addressing the crowd at Exhibition MEMS/Micromachine

While the exhibition space of Exhibition Micromachine/MEMS 2009 is down (by 50% is what I’ve been told), the number of actual exhibitors and attendees is impressive – this is definitely the place to be for MEMS in Japan. I walked the show floor and was very pleased to see several MIG members either exhibiting and/or presenting, including: Coventor, EV Group, IVAM, Okmetic, Primaxx, SAES Getters, Silex, SUSS, and XACTIX. I also met with several potential new MIG members who are interested in expanding their presence in the US.

This morning, I had the honor of being a keynote in the Symposium’s morning session, where I presented on “Worldwide Growth Opportunities for MEMS: MIG’s Perspective on MEMS Activities in the US and Emerging Technologies.” My presentation is available in the member section of the MIG web site, in case you want to see what I talked about. I also had a chance to sit in on other presentations, including: Andre Rouzaud of CEA-LETI, Thomas Gessner of Fraunhofer ENAS, Toshihiro Ito of Japan’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute, Al Pisano of UC Berkeley/BSAC, and Markku Tilli of Okmetic. Generally, the presentations addressed the move to 200 mm, the importance of integration, cost pressures and expected growth areas of consumer and bio/medical.

Tomorrow’s agenda promises to be equally interesting and exciting, as I will attend the Japanese -German Micro/Nano business forum and I hope to blog again to tell you what I hear/experience. Last night I was treated to dinner by Kionix’s Junji Araya at an amazing classic Japanese restaurant (lots of great sashimi and tempura); right now I have to dash off to the cocktail party hosted by the Symposium organizers and then another promise to have a “true” Japanese experience/dinner – I wonder if they mean I’ll eat a live fish….